rodeo poker game

Playing a Rodeo Poker Game

A rodeo poker game isn’t quite as glamorous as the World Series of Poker, but the competition is fierce. You are up against other cowboys in an arena that is the size of a football field and it is one of the most dangerous events a person can participate in. The game is not for the faint of heart, but is a fun way to pass the time. To play, you need to be at least 21 years old and possess a photo ID.

If you’re not too worried about your social security number, the Reno Rodeo Foundation has its own poker event. They require all participants to be 21 or older and they charge a small fee to enter. Food and drinks are also available for purchase, as well as paint with a purpose. It’s not uncommon to see a prize of $500 on the line for the lucky winner. However, they are very selective, and only one in every 50 competitors gets it.

The most interesting and dangerous version of the game is called the guts and glory contest. The 2,000 pound Brahma bull has to be kept on its head at all times. Competitors are tasked with keeping the bull on the right side of the fence while also attempting to get the best milk from the cow. Not to mention a slew of other whacky challenges, including the likes of calf roping and barrel racing. In addition, the winning team will be awarded $250 and bragging rights.

Other notables include the fact that the aforementioned game is played on the same course as the Ft. Worth Stock Show & Rodeo which is going on through February. The aforementioned contest is actually the oldest of its kind in the United States. For more information on the program, visit the website. There are also two directors of the program: Joel Clarkson and Shane Williams. They will take entries until intermission. Once the games have concluded, you can cash in on some of the prize money. Of course, you might not have a ticket to the grand prize, but you can still flex your gaming muscles at the upcoming tournament.

As with most games of chance, the odds of making it to the end are largely a function of luck. Nevertheless, you’ll find a fair number of people who have a knack for the game. While the event isn’t for everyone, it can be a lot of fun and you’ll be rewarded with some bling. Besides, what better place to play the game? Probably the best part is that you get to watch the action.

Author: Kurz